A network of realities working for just, inclusive, sustainable transitions
The Alliance of Just Transitions is growing through the membership of new organizations, whose experience and commitment help strengthen the common goal: to foster the exchange of local best practices to guide national policies, through a network to connect and strengthen those on the front lines of building just, inclusive and sustainable transitions.

AICCON, a study center associated with the University of Bologna, and is the result of collaboration with the cooperative movement and various public and private entities in the field of Social Economy. Through initiatives, training and research, it focuses on issues crucial to Cooperation, Nonprofit and Civil Economy, working in close collaboration with the academic community and Third Sector entities.

ActionAid Italia
ActionAid Italia has been present for more than 50 years in more than 70 countries around the world and throughout the country to fight inequality, putting people at the center so that they can claim their rights and create spaces for democratic participation in communities with people at the center of the political discourse and giving them back the power to recognize their own needs and to claim and promote their rights.

A SUD is an independent, radical, horizontal, feminist ecological organization. For more than 20 years it has been investigating the causes of environmental crises, exposing those responsible, defending human rights, and building tools for local communities. Among the issues at the center of its actions are climate justice, participatory monitoring, environmental conflicts, ecological education, support for communities and mutualism, and promotion of the circular economy.

CNCA (Coordinamento Nazionale Comunità di Accoglienza - National Coordination of Welcoming Communities), an association whose members include about 240 organizations including social cooperatives, social promotion associations, voluntary associations, and religious bodies. It is present in all areas of hardship and marginalization, with the aim of promoting citizenship rights and social welfare

Ci sarà un bel clima
Ci sarà un bel clima, a collective of climate activists committed to raising awareness of the ecological transition, coordinates "Gli Stati Generali dell'Azione per il Clima" joined by more than 70 associations and activists from across Italy to spark a transformation toward real environmental and social justice

Forum Diseguaglianze Diversità
Inequality and Diversity Forum promoted by eight active citizenship organizations engaged in projects and activities against diverse inequalities, aims to design public policies and collective actions that reduce inequality, increase social justice, and promote the full development of every person

Foqus - Fondazione Quartieri Spagnoli
FOQUS - Fondazione Quartieri Spagnoli experiments in Naples with a different way of understanding social policies by promoting them by private initiative, based on principles of cooperation, effective sustainability, civic entrepreneurship, and assumption of responsibility, in the belief that the first forms of prevention from social exclusion are knowledge, knowledge and training

LABSUS - Laboratorio per la sussidarietà
LABSUS Laboratory for Subsidiarity promotes subsidiarity through active citizenship, contributing to the spread of collaborative covenants and shared administration of the commons

Lo Stato dei Luoghi
The State of Places, a network composed of organizations and individuals acting on the activation of places, management of spaces or involved in culturally-based regeneration experiences in our country, promoted and managed by private or social private entities, often in collaboration with public institutions and local authorities.

Period Think Thank
Period Think Tank is an intersectional feminist think tank that focuses on advocacy, policy and data, offers analysis and innovative proposals for more just public policies

Prima la Comunità
First the Community association that promotes health and involves realities from all over the country, with a strong political value on the issue of health also underlying the experience of “Health Homes.”

RiD – Rimediare in Dialogo
RiD - Remediate in Dialogue is an association in the process of formation, established after two years of intense discussion with more than 150 Italian organizations and experts in the fields of Culture, Care and Learning and Training. This group worked together to present the Re-Mediate Charter, with the aim of stimulating reflection, understanding and discussion, proposing hypotheses, modalities and opportunities for intervention for a sustainable present and future.

Save the Children Italia
Save the Children Italy carries out activities and projects aimed at both boys and girls in so-called developing countries and those living on Italian soil. Save The Children's mission is to promote significant improvements in the way the world reaches out to children, achieving immediate and lasting changes in their lives

Scuola di Design
The School of Design at the Milan Polytechnic is a center of excellence that promotes curricular training in various areas of design, in tune with principles of equity, sustainability and care; the school plays a significant role in the local, national and international context, building relationships with institutions and businesses, with the aim of identifying sustainable solutions to emerging problems in transitions.

Scuola Sconfinata OpenLab
Scuola Sconfinata, an informal national network established to promote an educational project with an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to teaching, encouraging students to explore, experiment and connect knowledge.

National Center for Urban Policy Studies is an association joined by many Italian universities, which aims to build and consolidate a relationship between the world of research, the world of institutions, the productive world and active citizenship in order to programmatically nurture innovation in public policy.